New Directors Meet in Tokyo = APT Matters = GAREC-07 = BPL = IARU R3 will have a new Secretary
New Directors Meet in Tokyo = APT Matters = GAREC-07 = BPL = IARU R3 will have a new Secretary
2006 IARU Region 3 Directors Meet
ITU Matters = 5 MHz Amateur Allocation at WRC-07 = Administrative Council Meeting Aug 06, Bangalore = 13th Region 3 Conference Bangalore India 2006 = Region 3 Directors Meeting August 2006 = Radio amateurs in India fill communication gap
Yogjakarta Earthquake, Indonesia = ITU Matters = HF Band Review = The 13th IARU Region 3 Conference August 2006 = IARU Region 2 Implements Amateur Radio in Education Program= IARU HF Contest 2006 = World Cup 2006 — Special Event …
ITU Matters = IARU Plan for the Future = EMR AND THE RADIO AMATEUR = Regional Meetings in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia = Disaster and Emergency Communication Rehearsal held by CRSA = Hams Help After Mud Slide in Philippines = The …