Category: Newsletter
IARU HF Championship and Michael J. Owen VK3KI Award = JARL Hamfair 2014 = New JARL President appointed = Asia-Pacific Telecommunity Meeting in Brisbane, Australia = IARU Region 3 Directors meet in Brisbane = Worldwide doyen of Amateur Radio honoured …
A word from the Chairman Gopal Madhavan VU2GMN = IARU HF Championship and Michael J. Owen VK3KI Award = JARL Hamfair 2014 = Wireless Institute of Australia Annual Conference = NZART 2014 Annual Conference = WARD World Amateur Radio Day …
A word from the Chairman Gopal Madhavan VU2GMN = IARU Michael J. Owen VK3KI Award. = JARL Hamfair 2013 and IARU Region 3 Directors Meeting = Annual IARU AC Meeting = Emergency Communication Workshop Region 2 = IARU Region 2 …
A word from the Chairman Gopal Madhavan VU2GMN = = IARU HF Championship and Michael J. Owen VK3KI Award. = JARL Hamfair 2013 = Wireless Institute of Australia Annual Conference = NZART 2013 Annual Conference = Region 3 Website = The RSGB Centenary 2013 = Asia Pacific Telecommunity Meeting in Bangkok, …