A word from the Chairman = Amateur Radio Display on the Border = IARU becomes custodian of operating standards booklet = IARU Region 1 Agrees Provisional 5 MHz Bandplan = AIST-2D and SamSat-218 satellites = R3 Director gives IARU Presentation …
Category: Newsletter
A word from the Chairman = 2016 QRP Day — June 17 = IARU President speaks on Emergency Communications and Amateur Radio = RAST April Meeting Report = Southeast Asia Net (SEANET) to be reactivated = Satellite package …
A word from the Chairman = 16th Triennial Conference of IARU Region 3 = IARU Region 3 Directory = Chennai Floods = The IARU Administrative Council Meets at the Region 3 Conference, Bali = World Radiocommunication Conference 2015 Outcomes = …
A word from the Chairman = World Amateur Radio Day = IARU R3 & APT Agreement = WIA Annual Conference = Special event station “8N3HC” = IARU & Emergency Communications = Asia Pacific Telecommunity Meeting = 10th IARU…
JARL Hamfair 2014 = WIA supports the review of spectrum policy = WIA plans a submission on new VK operating conditions = JARL Office Bearers = New Thailand Ham Regs = The 5 MHz Newsletter = Region 3 Newsletter = This Newsletter …