Editor’s Note = A word from the Chairman = Knowles, Robert Edgar; Bob, ZL1BAD SK = IARU Region 3 Directors Meeting = IARU Administrative Council addresses New Radio Spectrum Pollution Threat = IARU Region 1 looks to the future = IARU R3…
Category: Newsletter
A word from the Chairman = IARU HF World Championship = ILLW gears up for its milestone = IARU Emergency Telecommunications Guide — Translations = IARU Aligns Satellite Coordination Guidelines with ITU WRC-15 Decisions = The Jakarta Amateur Radio Fair …
A word from the Chairman = IARU Region 3 Director Speaks at Peak Australian Hamfest = ITU: Characteristics of Amateur Services = Hong Kong now on 5 MHz = Australia one step closer to gaining 60 Meters = US…
A word from the Chairman = Change in IARU Secretary = Happy Birthday ITU Radio Regulations = 2016 ITU Radio Regulations released = IARU continues preparations for WRC-19 = IARU R2 Emergency Communications Workshop = HFsat will have 21 to …
A word from the Chairman = IARU Region 3 Directors Meeting = IARU Administrative Council Establishes Priorities and Strategies for WRC-19 = Amateur 47 GHz Allocation Avoids 5G Juggernaut in the US for Now, Worldwide Defence Continues = Changes to …