Editor’s Note = A word from the outgoing Chairman September 2018 = A word from the Incoming Chairman = 17th IARU Region 3 COnference Seoul, Republic of Korea = IARU Administative Council Meeting Focuses on WRC-19 Preparation and Succession Planning …
Category: Newsletter
Editor’s Note = A word from the Chairman = Dedicated supporter to IARU Region 3 and former JARL President Shozo Hara, SK = Thailand Cave Rescue — Ham Radio Link = Amateur Radio transponders on planned Chinese satellite to include …
Editor’s Note = A word from the Chairman = Jim Linton, VK3PC, SK = New Zealand Commences 60 metre Trial = IARU Region 3 50th Anniversary — Then and Today = IARU Region III 50th Anniversary Award = Australia …
Editor’s Note = A word from the Chairman = IARU addresses new radio spectrum pollution threat = IARU notes progress toward 50 MHz Region 1 allocation = HERO network activate for storms events = Chinese CAS-4A and CAS-4B Amateur Radio …
Editor’s Note = A word from the Chairman = Knowles, Robert Edgar; Bob, ZL1BAD SK = IARU Region 3 Directors Meeting = IARU Administrative Council addresses New Radio Spectrum Pollution Threat = IARU Region 1 looks to the future = IARU R3…