R3 Newsletter Q4 2018

Edi­tor’s Note = A word from the Chair­man Jan­u­ary 2019 = First Geo­sta­tion­ary orbit ama­teur satel­lite  = India gets 3 new bands — 60, 630 and 2300m = Ham radio satel­lites blast-off from Van­den­berg = Soci­ety Vis­it  = IARU Region …

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R3 Newsletter Q3 2018

Edi­tor’s Note = A word from the out­go­ing Chair­man Sep­tem­ber 2018  = A word from the Incom­ing Chair­man  = 17th IARU Region 3 COn­fer­ence Seoul, Repub­lic of Korea  = IARU Admin­ista­tive Coun­cil Meet­ing Focus­es on WRC-19 Prepa­ra­tion and Suc­ces­sion Planning …

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R3 Newsletter Q2 2018

Edi­tor’s Note = A word from the Chair­man  = Ded­i­cat­ed sup­port­er to IARU Region 3 and for­mer JARL Pres­i­dent Shozo Hara, SK  = Thai­land Cave Res­cue — Ham Radio Link  = Ama­teur Radio transpon­ders on planned Chi­nese satel­lite to include …

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R3 Newsletter Q1 2018

Edi­tor’s Note = A word from the Chair­man = Jim Lin­ton, VK3PC, SK = New Zealand Com­mences 60 metre Tri­al  = IARU Region 3 50th Anniver­sary — Then and Today  = IARU Region III  50th Anniver­sary Award = Australia …

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R3 Newsletter Q4 2017

Edi­tor’s Note = A word from the Chair­man = IARU address­es new radio spec­trum pol­lu­tion threat = IARU notes progress toward 50 MHz Region 1 allo­ca­tion  = HERO net­work acti­vate for storms events  = Chi­nese CAS-4A and CAS-4B Ama­teur Radio …

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