June 2003

WRC 9th June — 4th July ’03 = Agen­da Item 1.23, 7 MHz band realign­ment = The impact of SARS on 12th Region 3 Con­fer­ence = IARU Cel­e­brates World Ama­teur Radio Day = Ama­teur Radio — Gate­way to a Career …

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March 2003

Loss of Colum­bia Astro­nauts = APG2003‑5 Tokyo Feb 2003 = IMPORTANT: Your ACTION is required = The World Radio­com­mu­ni­ca­tions Con­fer­ence, WRC2003, 9th June — 4th July ’03 = JARL Cel­e­brates 75th Anniver­sary = 12th IARU Region 3 …

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