Australian bushfire disaster

Aus­tralian bush­fire disaster
The worst nat­ur­al dis­as­ter in Australia’s post-Euro­­pean set­tle­ment his­to­ry occurred on 7 Feb­ru­ary 2009, a day now known as Black Saturday.
On that day there were record high tem­per­a­tures, sin­gle dig­it humid­i­ty and strong winds up to …

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China earthquake report to GAREC-08

Chi­na earth­quake report to GAREC-08 

The emer­gency com­mu­ni­ca­tions pro­vid­ed by China’s radio ama­teurs in the after­math of the dev­as­tat­ing mag­ni­tude 8 Sichuan earth­quake has now end­ed, although some remain on stand­by for rapid re-acti­­va­­tion if needed.
IARU Region 3 …

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