RAYNET activated during flood alert

The Radio Ama­teurs’ Emer­gency Net­work or RAYNET was acti­vat­ed dur­ing a recent flood threat, by the Ten­dring Dis­trict Coun­cil via the Essex Civ­il Pro­tec­tion and Emer­gency Man­age­ment Team.

RSGB Deputy Region­al Man­ag­er for Essex, Roland Tay­lor M0BDB reports that Essex RAYNET

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Super typhoon clean-up underway

Six peo­ple have been killed and more than 380,000 evac­u­at­ed as Super Typhoon Nock-Ten (local­ly Nina) cut a path through the Philip­pines, with the Ham Radio Emer­gency (HERO) net acti­vat­ed in advance.

The Christ­mas Day dis­as­ter cut power …

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Indonesian earthquake report

The death toll from the earth­quake in Aceh Indone­sia on Wednes­day has reached 100, with near­ly 300 injured, and hams pro­vid­ing emer­gency com­mu­ni­ca­tions to help with the response.

The earth­quake struck at 5am local time on Wednes­day and the toll …

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New Zealand earthquake update

The deep seat­ed major earth­quake of mag­ni­tude 7.5 quake that struck the South Island of New Zealand on Mon­day still has peo­ple cut off from road trans­port due to mas­sive slips and damage.

IARU Region 3 Direc­tor, Don Wal­lace ZL2TLL

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