Global Simulated Emergency Test,

Glob­al Sim­u­lat­ed Emer­gency Test, 14th Novem­ber 2009

The next Glob­al Sim­u­lat­ed Emer­gency Test (Glob­alSET ) is sched­uled for the 14th of Novem­ber between 1800 and 2200 hours UTC. The time of each exer­cise changes to allow more sta­tions to participate …

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Ham radio supports disaster response

Ham radio sup­ports dis­as­ter response

A severe trop­i­cal storm in the Philip­pines and earth­quakes in Indone­sia have seen radio ama­teurs pro­vid­ing emer­gency com­mu­ni­ca­tions and oth­er relief and recov­ery assis­tance. Philip­pines Ama­teur Radio Asso­ci­a­tion (PARA) Pres­i­dent, Dr Joey Panganiban …

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GAREC 2009 a success

GAREC 2009 a success 

The fifth Glob­al Ama­teur Radio Emer­gency Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Con­fer­ence, GAREC-2009, host­ed by the Japan Ama­teur Radio League in con­junc­tion with their Ham Fair took place on 24–25 August attend­ed by 29 rep­re­sen­ta­tives from 14 coun­tries. The …

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Typhoon Morakot, Taiwan

Typhoon Morakot, Taiwan

The CTARL reports that the job of ham radio oper­a­tors sup­port­ing the res­cue and con­struc­tion activ­i­ty has con­clud­ed after qui­et a busy peri­od. Ted BV2OO and the CTARL ARES team have returned safe­ly from the moun­tain area.
— …

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