Latest from flood hit Thailand

Lat­est from flood hit Thailand
The death toll from the most dev­as­tat­ing flood­ing to hit Thai­land in over 60 years fol­low­ing heavy rains since late July has now risen to almost 300.
Near­ly three mil­lion peo­ple are said to have …

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Atlantic Hurricane Maria

Atlantic Hur­ri­cane Maria
Doug Mer­cer VO1DM, Emer­gency Coor­di­na­tor IARU R2 of Area A, onSep­tem­ber 14, report­ed about Trop­i­cal Storm Maria: “It is now evi­dent­that Trop­i­cal Storm Maria will have a direct impact on Newfoundland,particularly the Aval­on Penin­su­la”. Also Doug reported …

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Earthquakes in Spain

Earth­quakes in Spain
Two earth­quakes of mag­ni­tudes M4.4 and M5.2 struck the Region of Mur­cia (south­east­ern Spain) in the evening of 11th April, caus­ing at least 8 dead and 167 wound­ed in the town of Lor­ca, due main­ly to …

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GAREC 2011

GAREC 2011
The Glob­al Ama­teur Radio Emer­gency Con­fer­ence (GAREC) 2011 will be held in con­junc­tion with the IARU Region 1 Gen­er­al Con­fer­ence in Sun City, South Africa from 15th to 19th August. As GAREC has to slot in …

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