Italy flood response

Italy flood response
Fol­low­ing flash flood­ing in the Lig­uria and Tus­cany regions of North West Italy last week which killed 10 peo­ple, fur­ther heavy rain has struck the region killing more peo­ple in flood­ing. The Ama­teur Radio Vol­un­tary com­mu­ni­ca­tions group …

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Turkey Earthquake

Turkey Earth­quake
On 23rd Octo­ber at 10.41UTC a mag­ni­tude 7.2 earth­quake struck the Van region of East­ern Turkey caus­ing great loss of life and hun­dreds of casu­al­ties. Radio Ama­teurs from the Turk­ish nation­al soci­ety TRAC are respond­ing to assist …

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