Typhoon wreaks havoc on Korea

Typhoon wreaks hav­oc on Korea
As the pow­er­ful storm Typhoon Bolaven bat­tered South Korea radio ama­teurs joined the response and recov­ery efforts to min­imise the toll and damage.
The state dis­as­ter man­age­ment agency report­ed deaths as the storm, the strongest to …

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Floods in the Philippines hit Manilla

Floods in the Philip­pines hit Manilla
The Philip­pine Ama­teur Radio Asso­ci­a­tion acti­vat­ed the Ham Emer­gency Radio Oper­a­tions (HERO) on two metre and 40 metres pass­ing essen­tial traf­fic dur­ing the recent wide­spread flood­ing in Manila.
The news media reports …

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Flooding hits Chinese capital

Flood­ing hits Chi­nese capital
Heavy rain, described as the worst in the area in more than 60 years, hit Bei­jing last week report­ed­ly killing 37 peo­ple. The com­mer­cial com­mu­ni­ca­tion was oper­at­ing as nor­mal in the urban area. 

As part of their …

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Atlantic Hurricane Season 2012

Atlantic Hur­ri­cane Sea­son 2012
There have been four ‘named storms’ in the Atlantic already this year and though none have made the news it is time for the reminder that Ama­teur Radio con­tin­ues to play a part in gath­er­ing and distributing …

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