Earthquake in Guatemala

Earth­quake in Guatemala
The res­cue and relief work in San Mar­cos, Guatemala, a moun­tain­ous region bor­der­ing Mex­i­co that was hit by a 7.4 scale earth­quake claim­ing the lives of at least 52 peo­ple ear­li­er this month, was aid­ed by emergency …

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Earthquake in Guatemala

Earth­quake in Guatemala
The res­cue and relief work in San Mar­cos, Guatemala, a moun­tain­ous region bor­der­ing Mex­i­co that was hit by a 7.4 scale earth­quake claim­ing the lives of at least 52 peo­ple ear­li­er this month, was aid­ed by emergency …

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HAMNET, the Ama­teur Radio Emer­gency Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Organ­i­sa­tion for South Africa has con­clud­ed its involve­ment in a cross-bor­der Search & Res­cue oper­a­tion for a miss­ing aircraft.
A South African light air­craft, on a flight from Malawi on 28th Octo­ber to …

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GAREC 2012 — Summary Report

GAREC 2012 — Sum­ma­ry Report
mygarec2012 The eighth Glob­al Ama­teur Radio Emer­gency Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Con­fer­ence, GAREC-2012, took place in Port Dick­son Malaysia host­ed by the Malaysian Ama­teur Radio Trans­mit­ters Soci­ety and was attend­ed by 17 del­e­gates from nine coun­tries. The …

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Philippine Earthquake triggers tsunami alert

Philip­pine Earth­quake trig­gers tsuna­mi alert
The Philip­pine Insti­tute of Vol­canol­o­gy and Seis­mol­o­gy (Phivolcs) has now lift­ed its tsuna­mi alert after a 7.6 mag­ni­tude under­sea earth­quake hit east-coast vil­lages. At the ready for the worst were mem­bers of HERO, the Ham …

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