Why the Monitoring System is of great importance
The role of the IARU Monitoring System (IARUMS) — monitoring the amateur bands to search and identify transmissions sent by intruders — is important because the amount of all kinds of intruders is rapidly growing!
A number of national Monitoring Coordinators and volunteers have been watching our bands for many years. But more needs to be done to raise awareness of societies and countries where there no national monitoring team exists. Also, existing groups can still help by sharing detailed information worldwide with others. Monitoring is Teamwork!
While the team includes amateurs in all three regions, Region 1 has been leading the team in recent years. For more information see the IARU Region 1 Monitoring System Page
The R3 monitoring page is here
Rangsan Tongta, HS4HF e‑mail: monitoring-coord@iaru-r3.org