Home (R3)SpectrumMonitoring System

Monitoring System

Why the Monitoring System is of great importance

The role of the IARU Mon­i­tor­ing Sys­tem (IARUMS) — mon­i­tor­ing the ama­teur bands to search and iden­ti­fy trans­mis­sions sent by intrud­ers — is impor­tant because the amount of all kinds of intrud­ers is rapid­ly growing!

A num­ber of nation­al Mon­i­tor­ing Coor­di­na­tors and vol­un­teers have been watch­ing our bands for many years. But more needs to be done to raise aware­ness of soci­eties and coun­tries where there no nation­al mon­i­tor­ing team exists. Also, exist­ing groups can still help by shar­ing detailed infor­ma­tion world­wide with oth­ers. Mon­i­tor­ing is Team­work!

While the team includes ama­teurs in all three regions, Region 1 has been lead­ing the team in recent years. For more infor­ma­tion see the IARU Region 1 Mon­i­tor­ing Sys­tem Page

The R3 mon­i­tor­ing page is here

Rangsan Tong­ta, HS4HF e‑mail:

Print This Page Updated on March 10, 2025

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