At the last conference, it was agreed that IARU Region 3 should:
- Investigate the idea of having an Executive Committee comprising a directly elected President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and five Ordinary Members for IARU Region 3 rather than the current situation of electing six Directors and a Secretary with the Directors electing their Chairman.
- Arrange the 19th IARU Region 3 Conference voting procedure to function whether the change is implemented or not.
- Revise the IARU Region 3 Strategic Plan.
- Make better use of modern communications technologies including e‑mail and remote conference facilities on internet platforms, and
- Prepare documents for the 2024 conference showing how this could be accomplished.
It quickly became clear that almost all of the current documents required changes to accommodate these matters.
It was also realised that changes would need to be made to formally recognise that we will (as happened at the online conference in 2021) have females as well as males taking responsible positions in IARU Region 3.
A set of documents showing how your Directors believe these proposed changes can be accomplished have been uploaded to the web page below.
These documents are all revision marked so you can see the changes proposed and, to assist you to understand why the changes are being proposed, the following colour coding has been used:
- YELLOW — Provision for an elected President and Executive Committee.
- GREEN — Provision for online conferences and meetings.
- BLUE — Include Officers duties in the Constitution.
- GREY — Other minor changes to tidy up wording, remove male-only terms, etc.
We have also included a set of “clean” documents (with the same colour coding) so you can see how the document will read if all the changes are passed as well as two zip files each containing a complete copy of the clean and marked up documents.
We suggest that you initially review the “clean” documents (as they are much easier to read) and only access the revision marked ones if you want to see what the old text said.
Please note that, in the case of the Strategic Plan, revision marking has only been used on the first part of the document, as the rest of the document (the “Strategy and Programme” section) has been rewritten from scratch. If you would like to see what the old plan contained, please download a copy from the Region 3 website.
To ensure the Conference and elections run smoothly, it is proposed that we take the proposed changes in four steps:
- Debate and agree, modify or reject the proposal that we have an Executive Committee comprising a directly elected President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Ordinary Members (the YELLOW highlighted changes)
- Debate and agree, modify or reject to other (GREEN, BLUE and GREY) changes.
- Give the newly elected Executive Committee (or the Directors if the YELLOW highlighted changes are not approved) the power to make minor editorial changes to the documents (such as renumbering clauses, correcting spelling and grammar, etc.) to produce the final versions.
- Following this, call nominations based on the make-up of the governing body agreed in step 1.
The Secretary is currently putting together the agenda to take into account these steps.
- download and review these documents; and
- ask your delegate to the Region 3 conference to come prepared to make decisions on them.
Please feel free to contact me ( or the Secretary if you have any questions about the documents.
Don Wallace