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March 2004

12th Region 3 Con­fer­ence Taipei Feb 2004 = Delib­er­a­tions at Work­ing Groups = Region 3 Direc­tors Meet­ing = Your coun­try’s Reg­u­la­tions for Ama­teur Radio



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December 2003

12th Region 3 Con­fer­ence = Region 3 Offi­cer Posi­tions = Work­shops at 12th R3 Con­fer­ence = Prepa­ra­tions for WRC-2007 = Region 3 ARDF Cham­pi­onships = World Wide YL Meet­ing = Seanet 2003 = VK radio ama­teur gets top recognition

Doc. …

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September 2003

WRC2003 = Imple­men­ta­tion Mat­ters = AC Meet­ing 6–8 Sept 2003 = 12th Region 3 Con­fer­ence = PLT and the future of the HF Spec­trum = Nadisha Ran­muthu 4S7NR Silent Key



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June 2003

WRC 9th June — 4th July ’03 = Agen­da Item 1.23, 7 MHz band realign­ment = The impact of SARS on 12th Region 3 Con­fer­ence = IARU Cel­e­brates World Ama­teur Radio Day = Ama­teur Radio — Gate­way to a Career …

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