12th Region 3 Conference Taipei Feb 2004 = Deliberations at Working Groups = Region 3 Directors Meeting = Your country’s Regulations for Amateur Radio
12th Region 3 Conference Taipei Feb 2004 = Deliberations at Working Groups = Region 3 Directors Meeting = Your country’s Regulations for Amateur Radio
Ballarat Victoria, Australia; November 28th to December 3rd 2003
12th Region 3 Conference = Region 3 Officer Positions = Workshops at 12th R3 Conference = Preparations for WRC-2007 = Region 3 ARDF Championships = World Wide YL Meeting = Seanet 2003 = VK radio amateur gets top recognition
Doc. …
WRC2003 = Implementation Matters = AC Meeting 6–8 Sept 2003 = 12th Region 3 Conference = PLT and the future of the HF Spectrum = Nadisha Ranmuthu 4S7NR Silent Key
WRC 9th June — 4th July ’03 = Agenda Item 1.23, 7 MHz band realignment = The impact of SARS on 12th Region 3 Conference = IARU Celebrates World Amateur Radio Day = Amateur Radio — Gateway to a Career …