Meetings at ITU Geneva = IARU Plans for the Future = The 13th IARU Region 3 Conference = Region 3 Directors Meeting October 2005 = AC Meeting Sept 2005 = Seanet 2005 = Earthquake Disaster in Azad Kashmir & North …
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Meetings at ITU Geneva = IARU Plans for the Future = The 13th IARU Region 3 Conference = Region 3 Directors Meeting October 2005 = AC Meeting Sept 2005 = Seanet 2005 = Earthquake Disaster in Azad Kashmir & North …
Meetings at ITU Geneva = Region 3 M S Coordinator’s Report = High Speed Telegraphy (HST) = QSL bureaus = Arthur Godfrey ZL1HV (Jumbo) now Silent Key
Niigata, Japan; September 19th ‑24th 2005
Meetings at ITU Geneva = FCC Licensees Outside Region 2 to Gain Early Access to 7 100 — 7 200 kHz = Visitors to New Zealand = HAMSAT is now VO-52 = IARU Region 1 Executive Committee Meeting = IARU…
Thailand — RAST = India — ARSI = Sri Lanka — RSSL = Indonesia — ORARI = Peter Naish VK2BPN now Silent Key = APG2007‑2 = Region 3 Net