World Amateur Radio Day 2009 = Global Simulated Emergency Test (Global SET) 18th April 2009 = New IARU officers = ORARI announces IOTA plans = Australian Bushfire Disaster = Expansion of 40 Meter band = Reminder: The 2009 Seanet …
The International Amateur Radio Union has been the worldwide voice of radio amateurs, securing and safeguarding the amateur radio spectrum since 1925. Read more about us →
Global Simulated Emergency Test (GlobalSET)
This April 18, 2009, is the Amateur Radio International Day, with the theme “Radio Amateur, Your Resource in Disaster and Emergency Communications”.
Also, on this day, IARU Region 1 invites the HQ-Stations of all IARU…
Australian bushfire disaster
The worst natural disaster in Australia’s post-European settlement history occurred on 7 February 2009, a day now known as Black Saturday.
On that day there were record high temperatures, single digit humidity and strong winds up to …
A Word from the Chairman of IARU Region 3 — Michael Owen VK3KI; Has the RTO become more important? = Region 3 participates in Region 1 General meeting = Jamboree on the Air (JOTA) and Jamboree on …
The next IARU EmComm Party on the Air is scheduled for the 8th of November between 0400 and 0800 hours UTC. The time of each exercise changes to allow more stations to participate from around the world as well …