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Italian Earthquake

Ital­ian Earthquake

Alber­to IK1YLO received a phone call from Dipar­ti­men­to del­la Pro­tezione Civile at 20:00 UTC 10 April stat­ing that the use of HF for emer­gency com­mu­ni­ca­tions was being closed down and all activ­i­ties were being trans­ferred to L’Aquila. The …

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Italian Earthquake

Ital­ian Earthquake

23:30 6th April, the sit­u­a­tion is report­ed as fol­lows by Alber­to IK1YLO;
“The Dipar­ti­men­to Pro­tezione Civile is only ask­ing spe­cial­ist vol­un­teers to attend the dis­as­ter area. They are involv­ing only 5.000 vol­un­teers from very spe­cial­ized teams used …

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January — March 2009

World Ama­teur Radio Day 2009 = Glob­al Sim­u­lat­ed Emer­gency Test (Glob­al SET) 18th April 2009 = New IARU offi­cers = ORARI announces IOTA plans = Aus­tralian Bush­fire Dis­as­ter = Expan­sion of 40 Meter band = Reminder: The 2009 Seanet …

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