The date for this event, sponsored by IARU Region 1, has been altered to coincide with World Amateur Radio Day on Saturday, April 18th. The theme for the day of “Amateur Radio: Your Resource in Disaster and Emergency Communication” is …
The International Amateur Radio Union has been the worldwide voice of radio amateurs, securing and safeguarding the amateur radio spectrum since 1925. Read more about us →
Italian Earthquake
Alberto IK1YLO received a phone call from Dipartimento della Protezione Civile at 20:00 UTC 10 April stating that the use of HF for emergency communications was being closed down and all activities were being transferred to L’Aquila. The …
Global Simulated Emergency Test (GlobalSET)
The date for this event, sponsored by IARU Region 1, has been altered to coincide with World Amateur Radio Day on Saturday, April 18th. The theme for the day of “Amateur Radio: Your Resource in …
Italian Earthquake
23:30 6th April, the situation is reported as follows by Alberto IK1YLO;
“The Dipartimento Protezione Civile is only asking specialist volunteers to attend the disaster area. They are involving only 5.000 volunteers from very specialized teams used …
World Amateur Radio Day 2009 = Global Simulated Emergency Test (Global SET) 18th April 2009 = New IARU officers = ORARI announces IOTA plans = Australian Bushfire Disaster = Expansion of 40 Meter band = Reminder: The 2009 Seanet …