Welcome to GAREC-2009 !
The Fifth Global Amateur Radio Emergency Communications (GAREC) Conference will be held on 24 — 25 August 2009, in connection with the JARL Ham Fair at Tokyo Big Sight, Ariake, Tokyo Japan. (22 …
Welcome to GAREC-2009 !
The Fifth Global Amateur Radio Emergency Communications (GAREC) Conference will be held on 24 — 25 August 2009, in connection with the JARL Ham Fair at Tokyo Big Sight, Ariake, Tokyo Japan. (22 …
From: Jim Linton, VK3PC
Sent: Friday, August 28, 2009 11:43 AM
Subject: Typhoon Morak CTARL ARES activity ends
The CTARL reports that the job of ham radio operators supporting the rescue and construction activity has concluded after quiet a busy period. …
New York City ARECS
On a recent trip to New York, John, EI7IG, met with Charles J. Hargrove, N2NOV. New York City ARECS/RACES Citywide Radio Officer/Skywarn Co-ordinator, and his wife Karen, N2ZYF, to discuss various …
A Word from the Chairman of IARU Region 3 — Region 3 and WRC 2011 = WRC-11 re-scheduled = Jay Oka JA1TRC takes over as Secretary IARU Region 3 = IARU HF World Championship — July 11th and 12th 2009 …
Honduras Emergency Traffic
On Thursday 28th May, Honduras had a 7.1 magnitude earthquake. Initial reports from Dr. Cesar Pio Santos, HR2P, IARU Region 2 Emergency Coordinator, report no major damage. Latest reports are that no further emergency usage of …