Haiti Update No. 3
Some status reports are now coming from Haiti but at the moment, no data regarding survivors or any other ‘Health and Welfare’ traffic is currently being passed.
Anyone trying to trace family or friends in Haiti should …
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Haiti Update No. 2 — RCD and URDA en route to Haiti
Victor Baez HI8VB, Secretary of the Radio Club Dominicano (RCD) reports that the RCD with UDRA, Unión Dominicana de Radio Aficionados, are preparing to go …
Haiti Update No. 1
From the CQ / WorldRadio Online Newsroom:
Some ham radio activity from Haiti is beginning to be heard, following yesterday’s devastating earthquake.
Father John Henaul, HH6JH, in Port-au-Prince, made contact late Wednesday morning with the Intercontinental …
Haiti Earthquake — Please keep frequencies clear.
Radio amateurs are requested to keep 7.045MHz and 3.720MHz clear for any emergency traffic resulting from the Earthquake which struck Haiti on 12th January 2010 in case any Haitian hams manage to get on …
A Word from the Chairman of IARU Region 3 — Michael Owen VK3KI = The WIA’s Centenary Celebrations = IARU Region 3 adopts Japanese Yen as unit of currency for accounting = WIA introduces training in Emergency Communications = ARLHS…