Hurricane Season
The Atlantic Hurricane Season officially runs from 1st June to 30 November each year and Tropical Storm Alex has become the first ‘named’ storm of this year. Amateur Radio continues to play a part in gathering and distributing …
The International Amateur Radio Union has been the worldwide voice of radio amateurs, securing and safeguarding the amateur radio spectrum since 1925. Read more about us →
Ham Radio Emergency Communications in Poland
An agreement has been signed by the IARU’s Polski Zwiazek Krotkofalowcow (PZK) and the Government that formalises the use of ham radio emergency radio communications in disasters and at other times.
Minister …
2010 IARU Region 3 Directors’ Meeting
Final report — Qinghai province earthquake
The 7.1 Richter scale earthquake that struck China’s Qinghai province on 14 April killed more than 2,000 people and relief efforts are continuing for those left homeless. A day of national mourning was held …
Qinghai province earthquake — report 2
The official toll following the 7.1 magnitude earthquake in Qinghai province in north west China as at 10am local time 18 April is 1706 deaths and 12,128 people injured. Local authorities estimate that up …