
The International Amateur Radio Union has been the worldwide voice of radio amateurs, securing and safeguarding the amateur radio spectrum since 1925. Read more about us →


Tomas through the Carribean

Tomas through the Carribean
As Hur­ri­cane ‘Tomas’ leaves a trail of destruc­tion in its path and con­tin­ues to pose seri­ous fur­ther threats, the Ama­teur Radio sta­tion at the Nation­al Hur­ri­cane Cen­tre in Mia­mi, WX4NHC is acti­vat­ing on HF and an …

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Communication support for dual disasters in Indonesia

Com­mu­ni­ca­tion sup­port for dual dis­as­ters in Indonesia
Fol­low­ing two nat­ur­al dis­as­ters, an earth­quake trig­gered tsuna­mi, and sep­a­rate­ly an erupt­ing vol­cano, radio ama­teurs are pro­vid­ing their help as the enor­mous response effort continues.
ORARI (Organ­isasi Amatir Radio Indone­sia) Inter­na­tion­al Affairs Coordinator, …

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July — September 2010

A Word from the Chair­man of IARU Region 3 — Michael Owen VK3KI — The AC and the IARU Region 2 Gen­er­al Assem­bly = Christchurch New Zealand earth­quake = Pak­istan Floods = VK100WIA is set for DXCC sta­tus = WIA

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Christchurch New Zealand earthquake

Christchurch New Zealand earth­quake, a week on
The mas­sive recov­ery oper­a­tion con­tin­ues after the 7.1 mag­ni­tude earth­quake that hit Christchurch at 4.36am on Sat­ur­day 4 Sep­tem­ber, leav­ing a dam­age bill of NZ$4billion and phys­i­cal­ly injur­ing a few people.
The Amateur …

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