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Disaster recovery helped by amateur radio

Dis­as­ter recov­ery helped by ama­teur radio
The radio ama­teur com­mu­ni­ty was pre­pared when a super typhoon unleashed its fury on the Philip­pines, uproot­ing trees, snap­ping pow­er lines, spark­ing land­slides, can­celling flights and fer­ries send­ing 40,000 peo­ple to shel­ters. Claim­ing more than …

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Hams provide emergency communications

Hams pro­vide emer­gency communications
Typhoon Bopha (local name Pablo) has hit The Philip­pines uproot­ing trees, down­ing pow­er lines, spark­ing land­slides and mak­ing 40,000 peo­ple head for shelters.
It was the strongest of about 20 typhoons to affect the coun­try this …

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RAYNET during floods and chill

RAYNET dur­ing floods and chill 

With tem­per­a­tures expect­ed to fall below freez­ing in many parts of the Unit­ed King­dom, it brings even more wor­ry to res­i­dents in the flood­ed areas.

As recent rain trav­els through the riv­er sys­tems, tax­ing bridges and other …

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Earthquake in Guatemala

Earth­quake in Guatemala
The res­cue and relief work in San Mar­cos, Guatemala, a moun­tain­ous region bor­der­ing Mex­i­co that was hit by a 7.4 scale earth­quake claim­ing the lives of at least 52 peo­ple ear­li­er this month, was aid­ed by emergency …

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