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Communication outages filled by Indian hams

When the pow­er­ful Cyclone Hud­hud swept into the Bay of Ben­gal coastal areas
of India dis­as­ter author­i­ties called on radio ama­teurs to help out.

Nation­al Coor­di­na­tor for Dis­as­ter Com­mu­ni­ca­tion, Jayu Bhide VU2JAU said,
“In Odis­sa there are six hams work­ing hard …

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Hams help in earthquake rescues

An earth­quake that hit the Yun Nan province in the south­west Chi­na’s mountainous
region on Octo­ber 7, caused a death, injured 336 with 50,000

The 6.6 mag­ni­tude Richter scale earth­quake was respond­ed to main­ly by the
mil­i­tary res­cue force and some …

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EU praises Amateur Radio emergency communications

The Inter­na­tion­al Ama­teur Radio Union Region 1 Con­fer­ence in Bul­gar­ia has heard the Ama­teur Radio giv­en dur­ing emer­gen­cies described as “radio mes­sen­gers in times of trou­ble and hope”. 

The mes­sage came from Dr Kristali­na Georgie­va, Euro­pean Union Com­mis­sion­er for Inter­na­tion­al Cooperation, …

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