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Jet crash involves RAYNET communications

RAYNET the Radio Ama­teurs Emer­gency Net­work pro­vid­ing safe­ty and logistic
com­mu­ni­ca­tions at the Shore­ham Air­show at Brighton Eng­land on Sat­ur­day August
22, found itself heav­i­ly involved in a jet crash disaster. 

A Hawk­er Hunter A27 crashed into vehi­cles on a …

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Volcano eruptions and ash in Indonesia

The con­tin­u­ing vol­canic erup­tions on Java near Bali con­tin­ues with ash that has at times, depend­ing upon wind direc­tion, stopped flights to the pop­u­lar hol­i­day destination.

The dis­rup­tions also came as mil­lions of Indone­sians set off on hol­i­days ahead of …

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Disaster training for Manila

The Philip­pines Ama­teur Radio Asso­ci­a­tion is ready to play its role alongside
oth­er agen­cies in an earth­quake drill, run by the Met­ro­pol­i­tan Mani­la Development

Jojo Vicen­cio DU1VHY advis­es that the main area of con­cen­tra­tion contains
17 local gov­ern­ment units, …

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