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HERO Initial Report on Typhoon Nona (Melor)

Philip­pine Ama­teur Radio Asso­ci­a­tion (PARA) acti­vat­ed its Ham Emer­gency Radio
Oper­a­tions (HERO) last Sat­ur­day in view of the immi­nent tra­verse of typhoon Nona (Inter­na­tion­al Name — Melor) through the Philip­pine arch­i­pel­ago as announced by the Nation­al Traffic …

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Hams help out India flood disaster

Heavy rains hit Chen­nai, once known as Madras, home to 4.6 mil­lion in India’s south, killed more than 320 peo­ple and left thou­sands stranded.
Ama­teur Radio Soci­ety of India Pres­i­dent, VU2GMN Gopal Mad­ha­van VU2GMN said pro­vid­ing help were radio amateurs …

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Hurricane Patricia — latest

A pre­pared Mex­i­co pop­u­la­tion has escaped rel­a­tive­ly well from the fury of Pacif­ic Ocean borne Hur­ri­cane Patri­cia, now down­grad­ed to a category‑1.
How­ev­er as the weath­er sys­tem moved north the Texas in the USA, record rains have been dumped …

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