A word from the Chairman = 2016 QRP Day — June 17 = IARU President speaks on Emergency Communications and Amateur Radio = RAST April Meeting Report = Southeast Asia Net (SEANET) to be reactivated = Satellite package …
The International Amateur Radio Union has been the worldwide voice of radio amateurs, securing and safeguarding the amateur radio spectrum since 1925. Read more about us →
Following the 7.5 magnitude earthquake centred near the coast of Ecuador that has claimed more than 400 lives so far, and the frequency 7.060 MHz is being used as radio amateurs handle emergency traffic.
The earthquake on April 16 caused …
Following the 7.5 magnitude earthquake centred near the coast of Ecuador that has claimed more than 400 lives so far, and the frequency 7.060 MHz is being used as radio amateurs handle emergency traffic.
The earthquake on April 16 caused …
International Amateur Radio Union President, Tim Ellam VE6SH/G4HUA told the
Global Forum on Emergency Telecommunications that Amateur Radio is probably
more relevant now than it was 25 years ago.
The International Telecommunications Union event GET-2016 was held in Kuwait
City …
The US National Guard had its Operation Seismos, an earthquake drill on February 3–6, and used radio amateurs to transmit messages as it accessed community disaster resources.
The National Guard 213th Forward Support Company at Cedar City Utah, the Sheriff’s …