2017 IARU Region 3 Directors Meeting, Tokyo, Japan
The International Amateur Radio Union has been the worldwide voice of radio amateurs, securing and safeguarding the amateur radio spectrum since 1925. Read more about us →
Monsoon rains in India, Nepal, Pakistan, and Bangladesh over the past month has according to the UN affected 41 million people, and left an estimated 1,200 dead.
The latest on the subcontinent was on Tuesday August 29 when the rain, the …
Monsoon rains hit early on Tuesday August 29 causing flooding in the Mumbai and Pune areas with immediate action by local HAMS helping out during the adverse weather.
All traffic was disrupted, even local trains and buses were submerged and …
Hurricane Harvey began in the Caribbean, watched by the Emergency and Weather Net with radio amateurs activating 3.815 MHz, then it moved to the Gulf of Mexico and intensified into a Category 4 storm to come ashore in Texas.
The weather …
A word from the Chairman = IARU HF World Championship = ILLW gears up for its milestone = IARU Emergency Telecommunications Guide — Translations = IARU Aligns Satellite Coordination Guidelines with ITU WRC-15 Decisions = The Jakarta Amateur Radio Fair …