Home (R3)On the AirQRP Day


QRP Activ­i­ties

The inter­est in QRP activ­i­ties is ever­last­ing in ama­teur radio com­mu­ni­ty world­wide. QRP radio com­mu­ni­ca­tions tes­ti­fy high abil­i­ty of radio ama­teurs, and offers advan­tages con­cern­ing, among oth­ers, the reduc­tion of QRM on the ama­teur bands.

The 10th IARU Region 3 Con­fer­ence held in Sep­tem­ber 1997 in Bei­jing has resolved the fol­low­ing rec­om­men­da­tions based on the doc­u­ment (97/X/14) sub­mit­ted by NZART, which says;

That Region 3 Soci­eties help to pro­mote the IARU objec­tives for QRP oper­a­tion, specifically:

  1. to sup­port QRP oper­a­tion on June 17 each year;
  2. to fos­ter QRP activ­i­ties by their members;
  3. to encour­age reg­u­lar pub­li­ca­tion of QRP arti­cles in their nation­al magazines;
  4. to pro­vide QRP sec­tions in any nation­al con­tests; and
  5. to assist oth­er Soci­eties with the pro­mo­tion and devel­op­ment of QRP.”

Accord­ing­ly, mem­ber Soci­eties are request­ed to note the above res­o­lu­tion and take appro­pri­ate actions with ref­er­ence to the hold­ings of the fol­low­ing events, for exam­ple, in order to con­tribute to more effec­tive use of radio spectrum:

  1. QRP Field Day;
  2. QRP Con­test;
  3. Dis­tri­b­u­tion of QRP Trans­mit­ter Kits and Ref­er­ence Book; and
  4. Work­shop of QRP Operation.
Print This Page Updated on July 28, 2019

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