Topics for IARU Region 3
Summary Record of the 1st Region 3 EC + Officers Meeting
on January 18th, 2025
Meeting participants are IARU Region 3 EC members (President Wisnu YB0AZ, Vice President Aris 9M2IR, Secretary Ken JA1CJP, EC Members: Dr. Jack HS1FVL, Johnny VR2XMC, Dr. Lee HL1IWD, Oscar VK3TX and Taro JA1BJI) and R3 Officers (ARDF: Izuta JF1RPZ, Award: Yana YB1AR, HFBPC: Grant VK5GR, VHF+BPC: Sion 9M2CQC, Beacon: Chandra YBØRWN, Monitoring: Tongta HS4HF and Youth: Pan E21LLR).
Following Officers were absent (Disaster: Prima YC1PW, EMC/EMR: Choi HL3OB and STARS***: Endah YB3VI).
- President Wisnu reported the results of 1st EC meeting on December 15th, 2024. Task allocations are decided as follows;
Taro: Band Plan and ARDF
Lee: EMC/EMR and Award
Johnny: Disaster Communications and Beacon
Jack: Youth, Monitoring and Workshop
Oscar: Newsletter/Media and STARS***
Ken: Secretariat including treasurer jobs and
Wisnu: Overall supervision, ITU‑R/APT and IARU AC
Other subjects discussed includes publication of revised R3 Constitution and VHF+ band plan on R3 website, encouragement of Member Societies (MS) to engage R3 activities, plan for workshop of Committee/Coordinators and IARU AC matters such as restructuring and 100th anniversary celebration.
- Each Officer reports the activity or planned activity.
ARDF: IARU World Championship is planned in August 2025 in Lithuania. IARU Region 3 Championship is planned to be in 2026 either in Japan or Australia.
Award: It is proposed to put a link button to R3 Award page on R3 website. The Manager is considering to introduce Award robot to issue PDF award automatically.
HF Band Plan Committee: It is stressed that the participation of Member Society is essential for the Committee activities. Workshop on Band Plan is to be planned.
VHF+ Band Plan Committee: 23 cm/1.2 GHz band situation is being monitored. The foot note to the frequency allocation table agreed at WRC-23 are introduced national level at Japan and Australia.
Beacon: International Beacon Project has 18 beacon stations and 5 among them in R3; Japan, Hong Kong, Sri Lanka, Australia and New Zealand. Additional beacon in R3 on 10m band can be useful and possible.
Monitoring: Coordinator has nothing to report yet.
Youth: December YOTA month activities carried out in Japan, Malaysia, Thailand and Korea. Next R3 YOTA Camp is due in 2025 and R3 should seek a hosting offer by Member Society.
- IARU Administrative Council (AC) matters
Voting on acceptance of Libyan society (LCAS) as IARU member has enough number of affirmative votes and no negative vote.
A consultation paper on IARU restructuring is being prepared and would be sent to Member Societies before the IARU 100th Anniversary in April.
- Any other business
Every Chair, Manager, Coordinator or Convener are asked to prepare a Workshop for Member Scocieties. The 1st Workshop would be HF Band Plan in February and 2nd can be ARDF in March.
- EC members reports
Taro reported coordination with HFBPC Chair and no activity yet on ARDF.
Lee reported not started to communicate with EMC/EMR Coordinator and Award Manager.
Johnny reported he talked to Beacon Coordinator and Disaster Communications Committee Chair.
Oscar reported on Newsletter and not yet get in touch with STARS*** Convenor.
Jack reported on preparation of Workshop, R3 YOTA Camp and Monitoring.
Ken reported on Secretariat tasks done and hand over of bank account from the previous Secretary.
- Date of next EC meeting
February 16th, 2025 (Sunday), 06:00 UTC
Summary record of 1st R3 Virtual Executive Committee meeting on 15 December
- Opening Comment: President Wisnu, as Chair, initiated the first EC meeting and thanked participants.
- Approval of Agenda: Vice President Aris added the date for an in-person meeting under agenda item 8. The agenda was approved without further changes.
- Task Allocations to EC Members: The Chair assigned various standing tasks for IARU Region 3 (R3) to EC members:
- Taro: Band Plan and ARDF
- Lee: EMC/EMR and Awards
- Johnny: Disaster Communications and Beacon
- Jack: Youth, Monitoring, and Workshops
- Oscar: Newsletter/Media and STARS
- Ken: Secretariat, Treasurer, ITU‑R/APT, and IARU AC
- Aris: ITU‑R/APT
- Wisnu: Overall supervision, ITU‑R/APT, and IARU AC
- Matters Arising from the 19th Conference:
- Constitution Amendments: Various amendments to the Constitution were discussed, including the removal of “or an observer” in Article 17A (b), the addition of e‑mail for proxy notification in Article 18, and renumbering of Articles 27C and 27B. These revisions were approved for publication.
- VHF+ Band Plan: The revised VHF+ Band Plan was approved and will be published on the R3 website.
- Encouragement of MS Engagement: EC members discussed encouraging Member Societies (MS) to engage more actively in R3 Committees. SNS like WhatsApp was approved as a complementary communication tool, alongside e‑mail as the official channel.
- Enhancement of Inactive Committees: The Chair proposed bi-monthly workshops starting in January 2025 to reinvigorate inactive committees and coordinators. Jack agreed to assist with the IT platform for these workshops.
- AC Matters:
- Future IARU Project: EC members expressed concerns about financial aspects and the idea of a single IARU structure. The discussion remains open, and financial details are expected at the next AC meeting.
- Inter-Regional Committee for HF Band Plan: Taro clarified the proposal for establishing an Inter-Region Committee for harmonizing the HF Band Plan.
- Secretary’s Notes: Ken reminded EC members of key working procedures, including the need for written communication and proper expense claims. He also discussed increasing the EC e‑mail quota and providing standard name cards and badges for EC members.
- Any Other Business:
- Future Plans: The Chair outlined goals such as hosting regular virtual meetings, improving R3’s website and social media presence, and publishing a monthly newsletter. Additionally, plans for monitoring intruders and organizing special anniversary events were mentioned.
- Event Invitations: The Secretary will respond to PARA’s invitation, and there was no volunteer for the IARU 100th anniversary celebration. Virtual meetings were scheduled monthly for EC, every two months for EC + R3 Officers, and every six months for EC + MS.
- Special Events: A special event station was proposed for R3’s anniversary (April 14), but details were not discussed.
- Date of Next Meetings: The next virtual EC meeting is set for January 18, 2025, and the in-person meeting will take place along with JARL Ham Fair in August 2025.
- Closing: The Chair thanked all participants and closed the meeting.