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Top­ics for IARU Region 3

Sum­ma­ry Record of the 1st Region 3 EC + Offi­cers Meet­ing
on Jan­u­ary 18th, 2025

Meet­ing par­tic­i­pants are IARU Region 3 EC mem­bers (Pres­i­dent Wis­nu YB0AZ, Vice Pres­i­dent Aris 9M2IR, Sec­re­tary Ken JA1CJP, EC Mem­bers: Dr. Jack HS1FVL, John­ny VR2XMC, Dr. Lee HL1IWD, Oscar VK3TX and Taro JA1BJI) and R3 Offi­cers (ARDF: Izu­ta JF1RPZ, Award: Yana YB1AR, HFBPC: Grant VK5GR, VHF+BPC: Sion 9M2CQC, Bea­con: Chan­dra YBØRWN, Mon­i­tor­ing: Tong­ta HS4HF and Youth: Pan E21LLR).

Fol­low­ing Offi­cers were absent (Dis­as­ter: Pri­ma YC1PW, EMC/EMR: Choi HL3OB and STARS***: Endah YB3VI).

  1. Pres­i­dent Wis­nu report­ed the results of 1st EC meet­ing on Decem­ber 15th, 2024. Task allo­ca­tions are decid­ed as follows;

Taro:                 Band Plan and ARDF
Lee:                  EMC/EMR and Award
John­ny:             Dis­as­ter Com­mu­ni­ca­tions and Bea­con
Jack:                  Youth, Mon­i­tor­ing and Work­shop
Oscar:               Newsletter/Media and STARS***
Ken:                  Sec­re­tari­at includ­ing trea­sur­er jobs and
              ITU‑R/APT and IARU AC
Aris:                  ITU‑R/APT
Wis­nu:              Over­all super­vi­sion, ITU‑R/APT and IARU AC

Oth­er sub­jects dis­cussed includes pub­li­ca­tion of revised R3 Con­sti­tu­tion and VHF+ band plan on R3 web­site, encour­age­ment of Mem­ber Soci­eties (MS) to engage R3 activ­i­ties, plan for work­shop of Committee/Coordinators and IARU AC mat­ters such as restruc­tur­ing and 100th anniver­sary celebration.

  1. Each Offi­cer reports the activ­i­ty or planned activity.

ARDF: IARU World Cham­pi­onship is planned in August 2025 in Lithua­nia. IARU Region 3 Cham­pi­onship is planned to be in 2026 either in Japan or Australia.

Award: It is pro­posed to put a link but­ton to R3 Award page on R3 web­site. The Man­ag­er is con­sid­er­ing to intro­duce Award robot to issue PDF award automatically.

HF Band Plan Com­mit­tee: It is stressed that the par­tic­i­pa­tion of Mem­ber Soci­ety is essen­tial for the Com­mit­tee activ­i­ties. Work­shop on Band Plan is to be planned.

VHF+ Band Plan Com­mit­tee: 23 cm/1.2 GHz band sit­u­a­tion is being mon­i­tored. The foot note to the fre­quen­cy allo­ca­tion table agreed at WRC-23 are intro­duced nation­al lev­el at Japan and Australia.

Bea­con: Inter­na­tion­al Bea­con Project has 18 bea­con sta­tions and 5 among them in R3; Japan, Hong Kong, Sri Lan­ka, Aus­tralia and New Zealand. Addi­tion­al bea­con in R3 on 10m band can be use­ful and possible.

Mon­i­tor­ing: Coor­di­na­tor has noth­ing to report yet.

Youth: Decem­ber YOTA month activ­i­ties car­ried out in Japan, Malaysia, Thai­land and Korea. Next R3 YOTA Camp is due in 2025 and R3 should seek a host­ing offer by Mem­ber Society.

  1. IARU Admin­is­tra­tive Coun­cil (AC) matters

Vot­ing on accep­tance of Libyan soci­ety (LCAS) as IARU mem­ber has enough num­ber of affir­ma­tive votes and no neg­a­tive vote.

A con­sul­ta­tion paper on IARU restruc­tur­ing is being pre­pared and would be sent to Mem­ber Soci­eties before the IARU 100th Anniver­sary in April.

  1. Any oth­er business

Every Chair, Man­ag­er, Coor­di­na­tor or Con­ven­er are asked to pre­pare a Work­shop for Mem­ber Sco­ci­eties. The 1st Work­shop would be HF Band Plan in Feb­ru­ary and 2nd can be ARDF in March.

  1. EC mem­bers reports

Taro report­ed coor­di­na­tion with HFBPC Chair and no activ­i­ty yet on ARDF.

Lee report­ed not start­ed to com­mu­ni­cate with EMC/EMR Coor­di­na­tor and Award Manager.

John­ny report­ed he talked to Bea­con Coor­di­na­tor and Dis­as­ter Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Com­mit­tee Chair.

Oscar report­ed on Newslet­ter and not yet get in touch with STARS*** Convenor.

Jack report­ed on prepa­ra­tion of Work­shop, R3 YOTA Camp and Monitoring.

Ken report­ed on Sec­re­tari­at tasks done and hand over of bank account from the pre­vi­ous Secretary.

  1. Date of next EC meeting

Feb­ru­ary 16th, 2025 (Sun­day), 06:00 UTC


Sum­ma­ry record of 1st R3 Vir­tu­al Exec­u­tive Com­mit­tee meet­ing on 15 December


  1. Open­ing Com­ment: Pres­i­dent Wis­nu, as Chair, ini­ti­at­ed the first EC meet­ing and thanked participants.
  2. Approval of Agen­da: Vice Pres­i­dent Aris added the date for an in-per­son meet­ing under agen­da item 8. The agen­da was approved with­out fur­ther changes.
  3. Task Allo­ca­tions to EC Mem­bers: The Chair assigned var­i­ous stand­ing tasks for IARU Region 3 (R3) to EC members: 
    • Taro: Band Plan and ARDF
    • Lee: EMC/EMR and Awards
    • John­ny: Dis­as­ter Com­mu­ni­ca­tions and Beacon
    • Jack: Youth, Mon­i­tor­ing, and Workshops
    • Oscar: Newsletter/Media and STARS
    • Ken: Sec­re­tari­at, Trea­sur­er, ITU‑R/APT, and IARU AC
    • Aris: ITU‑R/APT
    • Wis­nu: Over­all super­vi­sion, ITU‑R/APT, and IARU AC
  4. Mat­ters Aris­ing from the 19th Con­fer­ence:
    • Con­sti­tu­tion Amend­ments: Var­i­ous amend­ments to the Con­sti­tu­tion were dis­cussed, includ­ing the removal of “or an observ­er” in Arti­cle 17A (b), the addi­tion of e‑mail for proxy noti­fi­ca­tion in Arti­cle 18, and renum­ber­ing of Arti­cles 27C and 27B. These revi­sions were approved for publication.
    • VHF+ Band Plan: The revised VHF+ Band Plan was approved and will be pub­lished on the R3 website.
    • Encour­age­ment of MS Engage­ment: EC mem­bers dis­cussed encour­ag­ing Mem­ber Soci­eties (MS) to engage more active­ly in R3 Com­mit­tees. SNS like What­sApp was approved as a com­ple­men­tary com­mu­ni­ca­tion tool, along­side e‑mail as the offi­cial channel.
    • Enhance­ment of Inac­tive Com­mit­tees: The Chair pro­posed bi-month­ly work­shops start­ing in Jan­u­ary 2025 to rein­vig­o­rate inac­tive com­mit­tees and coor­di­na­tors. Jack agreed to assist with the IT plat­form for these workshops.
  5. AC Mat­ters:
    • Future IARU Project: EC mem­bers expressed con­cerns about finan­cial aspects and the idea of a sin­gle IARU struc­ture. The dis­cus­sion remains open, and finan­cial details are expect­ed at the next AC meeting.
    • Inter-Region­al Com­mit­tee for HF Band Plan: Taro clar­i­fied the pro­pos­al for estab­lish­ing an Inter-Region Com­mit­tee for har­mo­niz­ing the HF Band Plan.
  6. Secretary’s Notes: Ken remind­ed EC mem­bers of key work­ing pro­ce­dures, includ­ing the need for writ­ten com­mu­ni­ca­tion and prop­er expense claims. He also dis­cussed increas­ing the EC e‑mail quo­ta and pro­vid­ing stan­dard name cards and badges for EC members.
  7. Any Oth­er Busi­ness:
    • Future Plans: The Chair out­lined goals such as host­ing reg­u­lar vir­tu­al meet­ings, improv­ing R3’s web­site and social media pres­ence, and pub­lish­ing a month­ly newslet­ter. Addi­tion­al­ly, plans for mon­i­tor­ing intrud­ers and orga­niz­ing spe­cial anniver­sary events were mentioned.
    • Event Invi­ta­tions: The Sec­re­tary will respond to PARA’s invi­ta­tion, and there was no vol­un­teer for the IARU 100th anniver­sary cel­e­bra­tion. Vir­tu­al meet­ings were sched­uled month­ly for EC, every two months for EC + R3 Offi­cers, and every six months for ECMS.
    • Spe­cial Events: A spe­cial event sta­tion was pro­posed for R3’s anniver­sary (April 14), but details were not discussed.
  8. Date of Next Meet­ings: The next vir­tu­al EC meet­ing is set for Jan­u­ary 18, 2025, and the in-per­son meet­ing will take place along with JARL Ham Fair in August 2025.
  9. Clos­ing: The Chair thanked all par­tic­i­pants and closed the meeting.



Print This Page Updated on February 27, 2025

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