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ITU Telecom Asia 2008 ( Sep 2nd — 5th 2008 ) — A Report by Gopal Madhavan, VU2GMN

Most of the dis­play mate­r­i­al was print­ed at Chen­nai and hand­ed over to Radio Ama­teur Soci­ety of Thai­land (RAST)officials at a meet­ing at the Forum Park Hotel, Bangkok, on Mon­day the 18th August, after which we had lunch. 


  • Chaiy­ong Wong­wu­ti­comjon, HS1QVD, Pres­i­dent RAST 
  • Phatana­did Kula­pai­jit, HS1WFK 
  • Ms Worawee Angsu­torn­jaru­patt (Joy), sec­re­tary to HS1WFK 
  • Tony Waltham, HS0ZDX 
  • David Fur­man, HS0ZDP 
  • Naris­sara Shaowana­sai, N9WMS 
  • Champ C MuangAm­phun, E21EIC 
  • Gopal Mad­ha­van, VU2GMN 

Dis­cus­sions took place on what else needs to be done, how many vol­un­teers were need­ed etc and RAST kind­ly agreed to get things organ­ised. All mate­r­i­al for the booth which was pre­pared in Chen­nai was also hand­ed over. Oth­er mate­r­i­al was expect­ed from WIA and ARRL

I returned to Bangkok in the late evening of the 25th August and stayed at the Park Hotel. Chaiy­ong and John from RAST­met with me in the after­noon of the 26th when we went through the check list and decid­ed on the design of the T‑shirt so the print order could be giv­en. The Thai ver­sion of the NZART leaflet was also being done. 

I met with RAST vol­un­teers and Jay Oka, JA1TRC from JARL on the 31st at the exhi­bi­tion site and the booth looked like this: 

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About two hours lat­er the booth had been tran­sofrmed into this. 

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Hans Ehlers, DF5UG from Ger­many also joined us and assist­ed through­out the event. 



Tele­com Asia was for­mal­ly opened by the Thai Princess on Mon­day the 1st Sep­tem­ber 2008. Very few were invit­ed and none of us went there. The exhi­bi­tion opened for vis­i­tors on the 2nd Sep­tem­ber and closed on the 5th Sep­tem­ber. A cou­ple of views of our booth dur­ing the exhi­bi­tion are shown below. 

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Apart from IARU mate­r­i­al we also dis­played mate­r­i­al from Open CARE, an Emer­gency Com­mu­ni­ca­tions NGO run most­ly by radio ama­teurs, and also mate­r­i­al from the Asian Insti­tute of Tech­nol­o­gy which active­ly pro­motes ama­teur radio and in whose premis­es RAST have a very fine club sta­tion which is open to all ama­teurs with an appro­pri­ate license. The satel­lite mod­el from JARL was the cen­tre­piece and evoked a lot of interest. 

The young vol­un­teers from RAST were very enthu­si­as­tic and effi­cient, pulling in vis­i­tors and hand­ing out leaflets in Eng­lish and Thai. Almost a 1000 leaflets were hand­ed out and hope­ful­ly some of them will result in inter­est in ama­teur radio as many were giv­en to young vis­i­tors. Many Thai ama­teurs vis­it­ed the booth and signed the vis­i­tor’s book. 

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The high­light of the event was the vis­it to our booth by the Sec­re­tary Gen­er­al of ITU, Dr Hamadoun I Toure, HB9EHT

and Dr Eun-Ju Kim, Head ITU Region­al office for Asia and the Pacific.

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I feel that the effort in set­ting up this project was well worth­while and we should do this regularly. 

The IMPACT Exhi­bi­tion and Con­ven­tion Cen­ter is a mag­nif­i­cent facil­i­ty — a huge area, com­plete­ly void of pil­lars on the upper lev­el. The low­er lev­el hous­es sev­er­al meet­ing rooms, a ball room and a food court. The loca­tion is rather far from the cen­tre of the city, but the organ­is­ers ran shut­tle bus­es from select­ed hotels and so it was fair­ly easy to get there dur­ing the event, oth­er­wise a taxi was the only option. 


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