Japan Earthquake current status

Japan Earth­quake cur­rent status
Well, our HQ sta­tion JA1RL is in stand-by state since March 22, but the JARL ARES cen­ter staff are busy to han­dle prepa­ra­tion and ship­ment of radios for dis­as­ter area.
Instead of JARL sta­tions, some vol­un­teer stations …

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Pacific Coast of America and Tsunami

Pacif­ic Coast of Amer­i­ca and Tsunami
After the Tsuna­mi orig­i­nat­ed by the Japan Earth­quake on Fri­day, March 11, 2011; then sev­er­al Amer­i­can coun­tries began to issue warn­ing, to their pop­u­la­tions locat­ed near the Pacif­ic Coast.
Mar­co Loar­ca, TG9ANM, ECAG AREA

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First week of Japan disaster

First week of Japan disaster
JARL HQ sta­tion JA1RL and oth­er ama­teur sta­tions are main­tain­ing the effort to sup­port dis­as­ter relief oper­a­tion which is being cap­tured by audio and vision.
IARU Region 3 Sec­re­tary, Ken Yamamo­to JA1CJP said in less …

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Japan Earthquake (update 3)

Japan Earth­quake (update 3) Sit­u­a­tion wors­ens after triple dis­as­ters hit Japan
Dam­age fol­low­ing the worst earth­quake in 140 years and a tsuna­mi that wiped away part of north-east Japan, comes news of pow­er out­ages caused by major trou­ble at a nuclear …

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