
Haiti Update No. 1

Haiti Update No. 1
From the CQ / Worl­dRa­dio Online Newsroom:
Some ham radio activ­i­ty from Haiti is begin­ning to be heard, fol­low­ing yesterday’s dev­as­tat­ing earthquake.
Father John Henaul, HH6JH, in Port-au-Prince, made con­tact late Wednes­day morn­ing with the Inter­con­ti­nen­tal Assis­tance and Traf­fic Net (IATN) on 14.300 MHz, the IARU Glob­al Cen­tre of Activ­i­ty fre­quen­cy for emer­gency com­mu­ni­ca­tions. Based on relays mon­i­tored at W2VU, Father John report­ed that he and those with him were safe, but had no pow­er and no phone ser­vice. He was oper­at­ing on bat­tery pow­er and hop­ing to get a gen­er­a­tor run­ning lat­er in the day. He asked the sta­tion copy­ing him, William Stur­ridge, KI4MMZ, in Fla­gler Beach, Flori­da, to tele­phone rel­a­tives with infor­ma­tion that he was OK.
The fol­low­ing fre­quen­cies are in use for earth­quake-relat­ed traf­fic and should be kept clear unless you are able to pro­vide request­ed assistance:
14300 (IATN), 14265 (SATERN); 7045 (IARU Region II) and 3720 (IARU Region II) kHz. Addi­tion­al fre­quen­cies may be acti­vat­ed on dif­fer­ent bands at dif­fer­ent times of day, so be sure to lis­ten care­ful­ly before trans­mit­ting to make sure you are not inter­fer­ing with emer­gency traffic.

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