
Italian Earthquake

Ital­ian Earthquake

Alber­to IK1YLO received a phone call from Dipar­ti­men­to del­la Pro­tezione Civile at 20:00 UTC 10 April stat­ing that the use of HF for emer­gency com­mu­ni­ca­tions was being closed down and all activ­i­ties were being trans­ferred to L’Aquila. The trans­fer was to be com­plet­ed by the morn­ing of 11 April.
Mon­i­tor­ing the fre­quen­cy today there do not appear to be any oth­er emer­gency groups using the fre­quen­cy over the last 24 hours so it is appro­pri­ate to return it to nor­mal use and let nor­mal ama­teur pro­ce­dures apply.

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