
Italian Earthquake

Ital­ian Earthquake

23:30 6th April, the sit­u­a­tion is report­ed as fol­lows by Alber­to IK1YLO;
“The Dipar­ti­men­to Pro­tezione Civile is only ask­ing spe­cial­ist vol­un­teers to attend the dis­as­ter area. They are involv­ing only 5.000 vol­un­teers from very spe­cial­ized teams used in sim­i­lar emergencies.
Prac­ti­cal­ly all the repeaters and cell phone ser­vices are run­ning! This is the rea­son a lot of com­mu­ni­ca­tions sup­port has not been called for.
There is no offi­cial net on HF. How­ev­er on 40/80m some hams from the Head­quar­ters of Pro­tezione Civile in Rome and Pro­tezione Civile in L’Aquila are mak­ing spot contacts.
Thou­sands of vol­un­teers from sev­er­al Regions are on stand­by and some spe­cial­ist groups are mak­ing their way in con­voy to the area.
All this infor­ma­tion is com­ing direct­ly from the biggest asso­ci­a­tion in Italy for this type of emer­gency called Mis­eri­cordie (60.000 volunteers).
Of course if these fre­quen­cies on 40 and 80 meters used for emer­gency will be free it is bet­ter! Espe­cial­ly the fre­quen­cy around 7040/7045.
So to per­mit co-ordi­na­tion of the arrival of emer­gency respon­ders to the dis­as­ter ama­teurs are request­ed to exer­cise cau­tion around 3640kHz LSB and 7040/7045kHz LSB and avoid caus­ing QRM to those respond­ing to this emergency.

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