Home (R3)ReferenceIARU R3 ConstitutionProposed Changes to IARU-R3 Constitution

Proposed Changes to IARU-R3 Constitution

At the last con­fer­ence, it was agreed that IARU Region 3 should:

  1. Inves­ti­gate the idea of hav­ing an Exec­u­tive Com­mit­tee com­pris­ing a direct­ly elect­ed Pres­i­dent, Vice Pres­i­dent, Sec­re­tary, Trea­sur­er and five Ordi­nary Mem­bers for IARU Region 3 rather than the cur­rent sit­u­a­tion of elect­ing six Direc­tors and a Sec­re­tary with the Direc­tors elect­ing their Chairman.
  2. Arrange the 19th IARU Region 3 Con­fer­ence vot­ing pro­ce­dure to func­tion whether the change is imple­ment­ed or not.
  3. Revise the IARU Region 3 Strate­gic Plan.
  4. Make bet­ter use of mod­ern com­mu­ni­ca­tions tech­nolo­gies includ­ing e‑mail and remote con­fer­ence facil­i­ties on inter­net plat­forms, and
  5. Pre­pare doc­u­ments for the 2024 con­fer­ence show­ing how this could be accomplished.

It quick­ly became clear that almost all of the cur­rent doc­u­ments required changes to accom­mo­date these matters. 

It was also realised that changes would need to be made to for­mal­ly recog­nise that we will (as hap­pened at the online con­fer­ence in 2021) have females as well as males tak­ing respon­si­ble posi­tions in IARU Region 3. 

A set of doc­u­ments show­ing how your Direc­tors believe these pro­posed changes can be accom­plished have been uploaded to the web page below.

These doc­u­ments are all revi­sion marked so you can see the changes pro­posed and, to assist you to under­stand why the changes are being pro­posed, the fol­low­ing colour cod­ing has been used:

  • YELLOW — Pro­vi­sion for an elect­ed Pres­i­dent and Exec­u­tive Committee.
  • GREEN — Pro­vi­sion for online con­fer­ences and meetings.
  • BLUE — Include Offi­cers duties in the Constitution.
  • GREY — Oth­er minor changes to tidy up word­ing, remove male-only terms, etc.

We have also includ­ed a set of “clean” doc­u­ments (with the same colour cod­ing) so you can see how the doc­u­ment will read if all the changes are passed as well as two zip files each con­tain­ing a com­plete copy of the clean and marked up documents. 

We sug­gest that you ini­tial­ly review the “clean” doc­u­ments (as they are much eas­i­er to read) and only access the revi­sion marked ones if you want to see what the old text said. 

Please note that, in the case of the Strate­gic Plan, revi­sion mark­ing has only been used on the first part of the doc­u­ment, as the rest of the doc­u­ment (the “Strat­e­gy and Pro­gramme” sec­tion) has been rewrit­ten from scratch.  If you would like to see what the old plan con­tained, please down­load a copy from the Region 3 website. 

To ensure the Con­fer­ence and elec­tions run smooth­ly, it is pro­posed that we take the pro­posed changes in four steps:

  1. Debate and agree, mod­i­fy or reject the pro­pos­al that we have an Exec­u­tive Com­mit­tee com­pris­ing a direct­ly elect­ed Pres­i­dent, Vice Pres­i­dent, Sec­re­tary, Trea­sur­er and Ordi­nary Mem­bers (the YELLOW high­light­ed changes)
  2. Debate and agree, mod­i­fy or reject to oth­er (GREEN, BLUE and GREY) changes.
  3. Give the new­ly elect­ed Exec­u­tive Com­mit­tee (or the Direc­tors if the YELLOW high­light­ed changes are not approved) the pow­er to make minor edi­to­r­i­al changes to the doc­u­ments (such as renum­ber­ing claus­es, cor­rect­ing spelling and gram­mar, etc.) to pro­duce the final versions.
  4. Fol­low­ing this, call nom­i­na­tions based on the make-up of the gov­ern­ing body agreed in step 1.

The Sec­re­tary is cur­rent­ly putting togeth­er the agen­da to take into account these steps. 


  • down­load and review these doc­u­ments; and
  • ask your del­e­gate to the Region 3 con­fer­ence to come pre­pared to make deci­sions on them.

Please feel free to con­tact me ( or the Sec­re­tary if you have any ques­tions about the documents. 


Don Wal­lace


Clean” versions of Proposed Documents

Marked-up versions of Proposed Documents

Print This Page Updated on August 7, 2024

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