
Cuba emergency frequencies in use

Cuba emer­gency fre­quen­cies in use
Arnie Coro CO2KK has report­ed heavy rains in Cuba’s province of Pinar del Rio and the acti­va­tion by FRC (Fed­era­cion de Radioafi­ciona­dos de Cuba) of their Emer­gency Nation­al Net CO9DCN on the fre­quen­cies 3720, 3740, 7110 and 7120 kHz. Your coop­er­a­tion in main­tain­ing the fre­quen­cies clear would be appreciated.
The hur­ri­cane sea­son has start­ed with Trop­i­cal Storm Andrea hit­ting west­ern Cuba and will now dump rain­fall on the Flori­da Gulf Coast Gulf as the weath­er dis­tur­bance gets more organised.
The heavy rains were the start of a hur­ri­cane sea­son expect­ed to be par­tic­u­lar­ly active. It was only sev­en months ago that Hur­ri­cane Sandy dev­as­tat­ed the area.
Andrea trig­gered a low­er-lev­el alert for Havana and the adjoin­ing provinces of Artemisa and Mayabeque. Heavy weath­er also was expect­ed to hit the Isle of Youth off Cuba’s south­west­ern coast.

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