
Atlantic Hurricane Maria

Atlantic Hur­ri­cane Maria
Doug Mer­cer VO1DM, Emer­gency Coor­di­na­tor IARU R2 of Area A, onSep­tem­ber 14, report­ed about Trop­i­cal Storm Maria: “It is now evi­dent­that Trop­i­cal Storm Maria will have a direct impact on Newfoundland,particularly the Aval­on Penin­su­la”. Also Doug report­ed that “As a result, full acti­va­tion of a NLHurricane/CANWARN Net will com­mence at 1430Z Fri­day and will con­tin­ue­for the dura­tion of the event. We will be using 3.740 MHz for the HF Netand the NL Linked VHF repeater system”.Doug VO1DM, report­ed that they can have access to the NL Linked repeater­sys­tem through Echo Link VO1ARG repeater in Argen­tia, NL. NLY­ou can see the link: “The Cana­di­an Weath­er Office link is fore­cast­ing 60–80mm of rain as thestorm pass­es over New­found­land with winds gust­ing to 80–100km/h. Like­most hur­ri­canes or trop­i­cal storms it will change to a sub-trop­i­cal­storm as it cross­es the Atlantic back towards Europe.
Doug Mer­cer VO1DM, Emer­gency Coor­di­na­tor IARU R2 of Area A, on Sep­tem­ber 14, report­ed about Trop­i­cal Storm Maria: “ It is now evi­dent that Trop­i­cal Storm Maria will have a direct impact on New­found­land, par­tic­u­lar­ly the Aval­on Peninsula”.
Also Doug report­ed that “ As a result, full acti­va­tion of a NL Hurricane/CANWARN Net will com­mence at 1430Z Fri­day and will con­tin­ue for the dura­tion of the event. We will be using 3.740 MHz for the HF Net and the NL Linked VHF repeater sys­tem”. Doug VO1DM, report­ed that they can have access to the NL Linked repeater sys­tem through Echo Link VO1ARG repeater in Argen­tia, NLNL
You can see the link: “
The Cana­di­an Weath­er Office link is fore­cast­ing 60–80mm of rain as the storm pass­es over New­found­land with winds gust­ing to 80–100km/h. Like most hur­ri­canes or trop­i­cal storms it will change to a sub-trop­i­cal storm as it cross­es the Atlantic back towards Europe.
As one of the fre­quen­cies list­ed is with­in the 80m band­plan, and as oper­a­tions may con­tin­ue into the evening/night, it is worth high­light­ing this to all Ama­teur Radio operators.

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