
Haiti Earthquake

From 1800UTC 22 Jan­u­ary the HF fre­quen­cies used to respond to the imme­di­ate needs of the Haiti Earth­quake, 14.300MHz, 14.265MHz , 7.045MHz, 7.065MHz, 7.265MHz, 3.720MHz, 3.977MHz will return to nor­mal use. The groups who have been pass­ing mes­sages on those fre­quen­cies will revert to mon­i­tor­ing mode or their nor­mal operations.
There are still a num­ber of radio ama­teurs in the coun­try attached to var­i­ous relief groups who may still be heard on the ama­teur bands on a num­ber of fre­quen­cies accord­ing to their par­tic­u­lar needs to main­tain con­tact with their home countries.
Please main­tain the nor­mal pro­ce­dures of:
* Lis­ten before transmitting
* If you hear any sta­tion pass­ing emer­gency traf­fic then leave the fre­quen­cy clear and avoid caus­ing QRM.
Thanks to every­one for their assis­tance dur­ing this emergency.
— Greg Mossop, G0DUB IARU Region 1 Emer­gency Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Co-Ordinator.

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