A project for the HF Band Plan Committee that was started at the last conference in 2021 was to review the 40m HF band plan and explore what opportunities there were to improve harmonisation of the band plan across all IARU Region 3 member societies, and potentially extend that globally through IARU Region 1 and 2 as well. The project has recently been restarted, and following a recent consultation conducted by the WIA on this topic, the IARU R3 HF Band Plan committee has been given a sizeable volume of material to use as inputs. Following an extensive review, the sub-committee is pleased to present the following paper for Region 3 member’s consideration at the conference.
You can download a copy of the paper here: IARU_R3_19 ADM-03 40m Band Plan Proposal document for IARU R3 Conference — FINAL V1.0
In essence, the paper prepared by the IARU R3 HFBPC has undertaken to:
- Investigate and make a case for why the 40m band plan needs to be reviewed
- Set forth the principles that should be considered in designing band plans
- Considered how to determine the amount of spectrum each activity/mode should be allocated
- Explain the proposed next steps in the process and highlight that any change needs to be achieved through consensus
The paper also presents an example of how the principles if agreed could work in practice, however it also makes it clear that this is by no means final.
Most notably, the final recommendation of the paper is to encourage IARU Region 3 to approach Region 1 and 2 with a view to establishing a joint tri-partisan working group to take the work further.
Members of IARU Region 3 amateur societies are encouraged to review the proposals and provide feedback to their respective location IARU Region 3 representative society/association. The member societies can then bring informed positions to the conference for further discussion.
IARU Region 3 HF Band Plan Committee