
Attended the APT APG meeting

APG (The APT (Asia-Pacif­ic Telecom­mu­ni­ty) Con­fer­ence Prepara­to­ry Group for World Radio­com­mu­ni­ca­tion Con­fer­ence) #23–3 hold in vir­tu­al con­fer­ence among Asia Pacif­ic region.

Nov. 8 ~ Nov. 13, 2021

One direc­tor and sec­re­tary from IARU-R3 attend­ed as the posi­tion of oth­er inter­na­tion­al orga­ni­za­tion, who was not reg­u­lar mem­ber (not dis­cus­sion mem­ber) but was able to con­tribute the infor­ma­tion doc­u­ment, only. IARU R3 stat­ed the view of IARU at sev­er­al work­ing groups.

  1. Agen­da Item 1.2
  2. Agen­da Item 1.12
  3. Agen­da Item 1.14
  4. Agen­da Item 1.18
  5. Agen­da Item Top­ic 9.1 A
  6. Agen­da Item Top­ic 9.1 B

APG meet­ing will con­tin­ue for prepa­ra­tion for WRC23

Sta­tus and Results of APG will be seen in the APT web site for only reg­u­lar members.


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