
R3 Newsletter Q2 2020

In this issue:
Edi­tor’s Note
A word from the Chair­man,
IARU paper sub­mit­ted to CISPR on increas­ing noise from dig­i­tal devices,
ITU WRC-19 Final Acts,
WIA Announces the Win­ner of 2019 IARU World HF Cham­pi­onship Con­test Region 3 — Michael J Owen — VK3KI Tro­phy,
Japan Expands 160 and 80 Meter Priv­i­leges,
Huskysat‑1 transpon­der is open,
15 Cana­di­an Cube­Sats to launch from 2021,
New Chi­nese ama­teur satel­lites expect­ed to launch in Sep­tem­ber,
IARU Region 3 Con­tacts
Soci­ety Update Offi­cials and Con­tact Infor­ma­tion = Newslet­ter detail

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