
June 2020 Festival of Frequency Measurement

IARU liai­son of ARRL, Rod Stafford W6ROD asked me to announce the fol­low­ing event to IARU Region 3 ama­teurs. I hope ama­teurs which are inter­est­ed in the mea­sure­ment par­tic­i­pate in the fes­ti­val event.

June 2020 Fes­ti­val of Fre­quen­cy Mea­sure­ment:

Ham­SCI ( is look­ing for ama­teur radio oper­a­tors to help col­lect prop­a­ga­tion data dur­ing the June 21 eclipse. Data col­lec­tion requires an HF radio con­nect­ed to a com­put­er. There will be two data col­lec­tion exer­cis­es: a con­trol day, held on June 14 UTC, fol­lowed by the event from June 20–22 UTC, which encom­pass­es the annu­lar solar eclipse across east­ern Africa and Asia on June 21. 

Details of the exper­i­ment may be found here:

Inter­est­ed oper­a­tors should sign up at this link ( or direct­ly con­tact Kristi­na Collins at

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