Typical of training and preparedness for the emergency communication role is the Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) in Hong Kong.
HARTS Hononary Secretary Rudy Wong VR2USP in an update reports that radio amateurs are trained to be on the ARES duty roster, ready if needed.
ARES also has a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Security Bureau of Hong Kong when the official communication system is down. The new ARES Coordinator for HARTS is Eric Leung VR2UGF.
It may ask HARTS to form an emergency communication support service and the mainstay of infrastructure is a hilltop Amateur Radio VR2R UHF repeater site that also has an APRS weather station.
Rudy VR2USP reports that part of the preparation is the communication support services centre (HARTS CSSC) in Yau Tong, which has a base station with HF, 6m, VHF & UHF, ready to operate in anytime.
While typhoon Hato was felt in Hong Kong in August causing damage and floods, our repeater and monitoring for the emergency call the VR2R repeater and associated weather station were monitored.
Rudy VR2USP reports that the services of Amateur Radio that were ready, were not needed by the Security Bureau of Hong Kong at that time.
– Jim Linton VK3PC, Chairman IARU Region 3 Disaster Communications Committee