
Jet crash involves RAYNET communications

RAYNET the Radio Ama­teurs Emer­gency Net­work pro­vid­ing safe­ty and logistic
com­mu­ni­ca­tions at the Shore­ham Air­show at Brighton Eng­land on Sat­ur­day August
22, found itself heav­i­ly involved in a jet crash disaster. 

A Hawk­er Hunter A27 crashed into vehi­cles on a busy free­way with dual carriageway
where dozens of peo­ple were watch­ing the loop manoeu­vre end in a huge fireball,
claim­ing up to 20 lives. 

Swung into the response were the South Sus­sex RAYNET group assist­ed by the
South Kent RAYNET, already help­ing the air­show organisers.
RAYNET assist­ed the emer­gency ser­vices and oth­er vol­un­tary agen­cies in the
acci­dent. The Shore­ham Air­show marked the 75th anniver­sary of the Battle
of Britain. 

RAYNET oper­a­tors were at the air­show to pro­vide com­mu­ni­ca­tions sup­port for
the emer­gency  ser­vices, oth­er vol­un­tary agen­cies and Roy­al Air Force Association
in the joint oper­a­tions con­trol at the airshow. 

The sec­ond day of the air­show was can­celled as a mark of respect to those
who lost their lives. 

— Jim Lin­ton VK3PC, Chair­man IARU Region 3 Dis­as­ter Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Committee.

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