For some time wildfire has been burned in 11 states of northwest USA with
Washington begin among the worst hit.
There the Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) and Radio Amateur Civil
Emergency Service (RACES) have supported the communication for a shelter
housing evacuees. The evacuation has been order of the Ferry County community
1000 residents.
Ferry County ARES Emergency Coordinator spokesman Sam Jenkins WA7EC said
the evacuation centre is expecting to operate for several weeks. Firefighters
are defending it.
Although these are large fires, no deaths or injuries have so far been reported.
Firefighters from 27 US states and British Columbia in Canada are being supported
from Australia including those with Black Saturday bushfire disaster experience.
The ARES and RACES radio amateurs responding to the wildfire emergencies
using emcomm on VHF repeaters, HF on 80m and 40m, including SSB and digital
modes, and IRLP.
— Jim Linton VK3PC, Chairman IARU Region 3 Disaster Communications Committee.