
Major flooding in two South-East Asian countries

Mon­soon floods that hit parts of Malaysia and Thai­land appears now to have eased but the big clean-up continues. 

John­ny Tan 9M8DB of the Malaysian Ama­teur Radio Trans­mit­ters’ Soci­ety (MARTS) says the flood­ing is the worst for a long time in the north of Malaysia, claim­ing lives and forc­ing thou­sands to evacuate. 

After being active on 7.110 MHz for some days, the offi­cial word is that all have now been stood down from main­tain­ing links to han­dle dis­as­ter traffic. 

John­ny 9M8DB says sta­tions in Kuala Lumpur, Kuan­tan, Kema­man and Bachok remain active for a while for local wel­fare mes­sages and urgent com­mu­ni­ca­tions in the flood affect­ed states. 

Mean­time the Radio Ama­teur Soci­ety of Thai­land (RAST) Sec­re­tary Champ Muangam­phun E21EIC described the flood­ing in south­ern Thai­land as not dis­rupt­ing nor­mal com­mu­ni­ca­tions, such as mobile phone net­works or the Internet. 

The need for emer­gency com­mu­ni­ca­tions by radio ama­teurs was not need­ed, but sup­port was avail­able to help those in Malaysia. 

Champ E21EIC says flood lev­els have decreased slight­ly while assis­tance by dis­trib­ut­ing food in flood­ed areas was under way. 

— Jim Lin­ton VK3PC, Chair­man IARU Region 3 Dis­as­ter Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Committee.

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