
Japan Earthquake/Pacific Tsunami

Japan Earthquake/Pacific Tsunami
A series of earth­quakes has struck off the coast of Hon­shu Japan around 05:46UTC today caus­ing exten­sive dam­age to the coun­try and also trig­ger­ing Tsuna­mi waves and warn­ings across the Pacific.
At this time there are no reports of ama­teur radio involve­ment in the dis­as­ter response but it would be appre­ci­at­ed if extra care was tak­en to avoid any emer­gency traf­fic. The IARU Region 3 Emer­gency Cen­tre of Activ­i­ty fre­quen­cies are;
3600 kHz, 7110 kHz, 14300 kHz, 18160 kHz and 21360 kHz.
The sit­u­a­tion is devel­op­ing as it can take many hours for a tsuna­mi wave to cross the Pacif­ic ocean, more infor­ma­tion will be pro­vid­ed when it is available.
— Jim Lin­ton, VK3PC, Chair­man IARU Region 3 Dis­as­ter Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Committee.

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