
Japan Earthquake current status

Japan Earth­quake cur­rent status
Well, our HQ sta­tion JA1RL is in stand-by state since March 22, but the JARL ARES cen­ter staff are busy to han­dle prepa­ra­tion and ship­ment of radios for dis­as­ter area.
Instead of JARL sta­tions, some vol­un­teer sta­tions are still oper­at­ing on 7.030 to pro­vide sup­port for dis­as­ter area. I lis­tened to this fre­quen­cy on March 22 and the num­ber of mes­sages exchanged were not so many com­par­ing with the first week after earthquake.
It is low pro­file but dis­as­ter com­mu­ni­ca­tions are still main­tained on 7.030 at least dur­ing day time in Japan.
I will let you peo­ple know when JARL ARES cen­ter announces the ter­mi­na­tion of dis­as­ter com­mu­ni­ca­tions on 7.030.
73 de JARL International
Ken Yamamoto/JA1CJP

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